Jimmy Needham Concert and the War Room

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Jimmy Needham Concert and the War Room

In this time of crisis, calamity, chaos and problems left and right, whether national, social and personal, we never fail to find ways to cope with these never ending issues in our lives. Filipinos were known to be a nation who can always find ways to smile and enjoy despite of all the problems.

About two weeks ago, 2 inspiring events were held at The Monochrome in partnership with Becca Music Inc. and Victory Christian Fellowship. These two organizations desire to to bring the message of faith, hope and love to the Nation.


On the 22nd of April, Friday over a thousand people attended the Worship Night Concert. It was so fulfilling to see people gathered to give thanks to God our maker as Victory Worship leads them in singing. People were so blessed when Jimmy Needham our guest worship leader and songwriter from Texas began to share his life and his music. It is his utmost desire to go across the globe and to make people see and experience the greatness of our God. One more thing that is so captivating that night, was when he sang an old song How Great Thou Art with his new rendition where all generations of young and old unite. The place was filled with voices declaring the greatness of our God. Truly music a powerful tool that can touch hearts, lifts our spirit no matter how tough life gets. Meet and Greet session was held just right after the concert.

Come April 27, just 5 days after the inspiring night of worship. An event was mounted and managed by Time Horizon Events. A movie night for the whole family was set on the Platinum Wing of the venue. War Room the movie reminded and inspired the viewers that no matter what happens we can trust God. Over 400 people came that night that was touched and driven by its powerful message. Seeing those people going out of the venue smiling, husbands and wives holding hands, family and friends talking about the impact of the movie is the best consolation for all of us. Once again, we have successfully met our goal to bring people to Jesus through these kind of events. Let us fight our everyday battles not in our own strength, but fight it in prayer. Allow God to do what He promised He will do and get out of the way to win. Because He will fight for us. Keep fighting the good fight with God.



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